
How can I dispatch an epic action to a substore?

rmorrise opened this issue · 2 comments

This is a...

  • feature request
  • bug report
  • usage question

What toolchain are you using for transpilation/bundling?

  • @angular/cli
  • Custom @ngTools/webpack
  • Raw ngc
  • SystemJS
  • Rollup
  • Other


NodeJS Version: 8.11.2
Typescript Version: 2.7.2
Angular Version: 6.0.3
@angular-redux/store version: 9.0.0
@angular/cli version: (if applicable) 6.0.7
OS: win32 x64

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set up a child component using @WithSubStore
  2. Set up an epic using createEpicMiddleware
  3. Dispatch an action from the child component that triggers the epic.

Expected Behaviour:

The epic triggers and creates a new action. Both the root reducer and the substore reducer should receive the new action.

Actual Behaviour:

The root reducer receives the new action, but the substore reducer does not!

Additional Notes:

What is the correct way to use epics and fractal stores together?

I noticed that the action, when dispatched to the substore, has a property like this:
I found that I could set this property explicitly when creating the action to fix the issue.

This seems like it relies on some unpublished implementation detail of angular-redux, and I somehow feel like it defeats the purpose of epic/substore usage.

Any help would be appreciated!


+1 I am also wondering how to add epic to fractal store

@rmorrise @mika1111 Since actions that are dispatched from component using WithSubStore decorator will append sub store path with '@angular-redux::fractalkey'. You can have other action to take the value of sub store path and epic could simply pass it along.

const ping = (...yourArgs, fractalKey?: string) => ({
  type: PING,
  '@angular-redux::fractalkey': fractalKey

const pong = (...yourArgs, fractalKey?: string) => ({
  type: PONG,
  '@angular-redux::fractalkey': fractalKey

const pingToDaPong = action$ => action$
  .map(action => {
    return pong(action.arg1, action.arg2, action['@angular-redux::fractalkey'])