
Possible naming issue with light helpers, or I've just done something stupid

LBR474 opened this issue · 1 comments

I can't get any of the lighthelpers to work.
I've been able to get box-, arrow-, grid- and axes-helpers all to work fine, but not any of the light-helpers.
My guess is that it's because the lights are compound words, eg, spot light helper, whereas, for example, axes is just one word, and axes helper compiles fine with .

When I type: <ngt-spotlight-helper /> , the code compiles, but no helper appears.
However if I type <ngx-spot-light-helper /> , then this error appears:

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading "matrixWorld") at new SpotLightHelper.

So thought I'd report that to see if it's a simple fix. Thanks.

I found a workaround using threeJS code in the class, so will close this issue.