
Select2 mobile support issue

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I am testing angular-ui's select2 in an ipad and a nexus 7 and it fails.

In iPad it won't show the options and it will reload the page, and on a nexus 7 it shows the options but when I try to filter it will close itself.

If you have an iOS device or an Android device you can try it here...

Is this problem specific to AngularUI or is it a problem with Select2 it self? If this is a bug with Select2 itself (which I believe it is) then you should close this bug and open a new one on the relevant project.

It works fine on select2 3.3.1 but not in AngularUI's implementation.

My apologies, I've upgraded select2.js to 3.3.1 and works like a charm!

Thanks Dean!