
Repository out of date

Closed this issue · 8 comments

It would be helpful to have more recent releases of this package available in this repository for Visual Studio users.

@dotcom9. they are updated - most recently as of yesterday with the 1.2.5 release. what repo are you using? Are you following these instructions?

@icfantv they're probably referring to angular-ui/bootstrap#install-with-nuget and Angular.UI.Bootstrap which I've been maintaining on behalf of the angular ui team.

I no longer use NuGet for client-side packages. I also don't use Angular or this project anymore which is why the last few versions didn't go up as quickly as they used to.

I just published the missing versions so NuGet is up to date again.

Thanks @xt0rted but in fact, I'm using Bower and Visual Studio 2015 to install js packages. The package in question is angular-bootstrap. In the Manage Bower Packages tool that package is only available up to 0.13.4 (see attached screenshot). There is a bug in the carousel directive in that package so I want to install a later version. This package reference does use the bootstrap-bower repository mentioned by @icfantv, above.


I discovered though that despite the latest versions not appearing for selection as shown above, if I edit bower.json directly and use a later version number, it does download it correctly.

@dotcom9, what bower.json file? I'm looking at this one and it's correct.

The one in my project declaring the .js dependencies that it has.

Why is Visual Studio still only showing 0.13.4 in the bower package manager? As above, it works by changing the version in the bower.json file but this isn't ideal.

@craigbroadman this is a VS Tooling issue and needs to be followed up in aspnet/Tooling#328