
Cannot enter deepEdit when enableCellEditOnFocus = true with F2

rtavassoli opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, great job on the grid! I have a couple of issues, here is the first one. When enableCellEditOnFocus=true for the Grid you cannot enter deepEdit with the F2 key. Line 14368 of ui-grid.js is:

if (rowCol.row === $scope.row && rowCol.col === $scope.col && !$scope.col.colDef.enableCellEditOnFocus) {

The last condition will not let you enter deepEdit if already in (none deep-) editing mode due to enableCellEditOnFocus=true.

Event with enableCellEditOnFocus=true you sometimes want to enter deepEdit mode in order to be able to change the text by navigating inside the input control with the arrow keys, and not just overwriting the entire text. Grid Navigation will change cell focus with the arrow keys unless in deepEdit.
