
Drop over another table row instead of dropping in between rows

thrinay opened this issue · 5 comments


I would be glad if we could drop over a table row instead of dropping in between table rows.

My code looks as follows:

        <tbody ng-repeat="fields in xyzTableData.record.treatment_classes|orderBy:sortKeyLineID track by $index" style="cursor: move;overflow-y: scroll" ng-init="rowIndex = $index">


                <i ng-if="!fields.showData"
                   class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-up btn btn-default btn-circle"
                   ng-click="fields.showData = true;"></i>

                <i ng-if="fields.showData"
                   ng-click="fields.showData = false;"
                   class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-down btn btn-default btn-circle"></i>

        <tbody ng-repeat="fields in behandlungsTableData.record.sessions|orderBy:sortKeyLineID track by $index" style="cursor: move;overflow-y: scroll" ng-init="rowIndex = $index">

            <td >
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-xs btn-circle"
                            class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span></button>
                    <!--<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs btn-circle" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal"
                            class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span></button>-->
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs btn-circle"
                            class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus"></span></button>

        <tr ng-if="!fields.showData">
            <td colspan="12">
                <table ui-sortable="sortableOptionsNested" ng-model="fields.procedure_classes" class="table table-hover listNested connector">
                    <tr class="bg-info">
                        <th ng-repeat="(key, value) in behandlungsTableData.lkParentHeader">{{value.text || value}}</th>
                        <th> Leistungen </th>
                    <tbody ng-repeat="data in fields.procedure_classes" >
                        <td>{{}} </td>
                            <img ng-src="{{data.status == true && 'images/GreenTick_green_16px.svg' || 'images/redTick.svg'}} "/>

                            <i ng-if="data.showData"
                               class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-up btn btn-default btn-circle"
                               ng-click="data.showData = false;"></i>

                            <i ng-if="!data.showData"
                               ng-click="data.showData = true;"
                               class="glyphicon glyphicon-hand-down btn btn-default btn-circle"></i>



$scope.sortableOptions = {
placeholder: 'placeholder',
tolerance: 'pointer',
cursor: 'move',
revert: 'invalid',
dropOnEmpty: true,
revertDuration: 100
/*Sorting call for procedure classes */
$scope.sortableOptionsNested = {
placeholder: 'placeholder',
tolerance: 'pointer',
cursor: 'move',
revert: 'invalid',
dropOnEmpty: true,
revertDuration: 100,
connectWith: '.connector'
// stop: $rootScope.$broadcast('orderChanged',{})
/*Sorting call for procedures in procedure_classes */
$scope.sortableOptionsProceduresNested = {
placeholder: 'placeholder',
tolerance: 'pointer',
cursor: 'move',
revert: 'invalid',
dropOnEmpty: true,
revertDuration: 100

      $scope.dropzoneFields = [];

      $scope.dragging = false;
      /*Sorting call for treatment class  */  
      $scope.sortableTreatmentClass = {
          placeholder: 'placeholder',
          tolerance: 'pointer',
          cursor: 'move',
          revert: 'invalid',
          dropOnEmpty: true,
          revertDuration: 100,
          connectWith: '.dropzone, .connectorLines',
          start: function (e, ui) {
              $scope.$apply(function () {
                  $scope.dragging = true
          update: function (e, ui) {
              if (ui.item.sortable.droptarget[0].classList[0] !== "dropzone" || ui.item.sortable.droptarget[0].classList[0] !== "connectorLines")
          stop: function (e, ui) {

              if (ui.item.sortable.droptarget == undefined) {
                  $scope.$apply($scope.dragging = false);
              } else if (ui.item.sortable.droptarget[0].classList[0] == "dropzone" || ui.item.sortable.droptarget[0].classList[0] == "connectorLines") {
                  // run code when item is dropped in the dropzone
                  $scope.$apply($scope.dragging = false);
              } else {
                  $scope.$apply($scope.dragging = false);

      $scope.dropzone = {};
      $scope.connectorLines = {};

Issue that am facing: When am trying to drag over a table row it always cautions me to drop between table rows but not over a table row. I would be glad if this could be helped out. Thanks a ton in advance,

Since this is a sorting plugin, moving a row would result it to be placed above or below an other row.
Where do you expect the dragged item to be placed?

Firstly, thanks a ton for such fast response.

Moving on, Whenever it is dragged over a row, then I would make an api call that certain row is dragged over a row, If it is moved on top or below the row, then we should be able to add in between a row. That was the prime intention

We support all jquery-ui-sortable callbacks, but I think that this use case is not covered by that API at all. If in the mean you find a workaround to make it work on jquery-ui-sortable then it should almost definitely work with angular-ui-sortable.

Isn't it possible to make an api call when dragged to a specific row by attaching a dropping zone? If yes please let me know thank you

Seems possible but then you might also have to cancel the drops on the row, depending on your use case.