
`build-angular:application` + `ng serve` doesn't update components, that were removed and then readded

sod opened this issue · 1 comments

sod commented



Is this a regression?

Don't know


If you switch your branch twice, essentially undoing any changes done and then reapplying what you've done, then ng serve with the new build-angular:application builder won't notice any further changes in components that you added in your branch.

Reproduction (


# checkout branches `main` and `added-content`
git clone
cd issue-forgetting
git checkout -b added-content origin/added-content

# install dependencies
yarn install

# start angular
ng serve

On http://localhost:4200/ you should see this output.

If you do a change in component-1 it'll change accordingly.

Now to the actual reproduction / trigger the bug:

While ng serve is running:

git checkout main

wait a second, then:

git checkout added-content

You'll correctly see component-1 works! and component-2 works! again, as you are back on branch added-content.

But now in your editor of choice do any change in the component-1.component.ts file and the ng serve watcher doesn't do anything. You'll have to restart ng serve to continue working.

Components not touched by the branch change still update though. Just components that disappear and then reappear seem to get left out.

Video of reproduction:

Your Environment

Angular CLI: 17.3.7
Node: 20.11.1
Package Manager: yarn 1.22.19
OS: darwin arm64

Angular: 17.3.7
... animations, cli, common, compiler, compiler-cli, core, forms
... platform-browser, platform-browser-dynamic, router

Package                         Version
@angular-devkit/architect       0.1703.7
@angular-devkit/build-angular   17.3.7
@angular-devkit/core            17.3.7
@angular-devkit/schematics      17.3.7
@schematics/angular             17.3.7
rxjs                            7.8.1
typescript                      5.4.5
zone.js                         0.14.5