
Angular Loader.js needs to be updated

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I came across a really strange issue where using the $script.js to asynchronously load files was causing some rather in-explainable errors.

I finally figured out that the issue was related to using $script.js to directly load angular.js with the app (as shown in the expample). When using a normal <script> tag to load angular it worked fine. However, the reason this is not working is because the angular loader.js file that is included inline in the angular-seed app on the index-async.html page is out of date.

For those of you who come across this problem, the easiest way to solve it is to grab the loader.js directly from the angularjs github, but you'll also need to grab the prefix and suffix to include at the beginning and end of the loader.js file.

I have the same issue with angular index-async.html from Dec 06, 2012. I have copy pasted the whole loader.js into one piece here: so you don't have to copy/paste 3 times like me. This new file needs to be added in the script tag, not in async loading sequence I think. I hope this gets fixed soon.

this is the updated version of the index-async.html with no Errors , worked woth me :

Updated via 220e8a5.