
angular.equals(new String("a"), "a") return false

vinsonLan opened this issue · 3 comments

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angular.equals(new String("a"), "a") return a false, is there a bug ?
the first parametor was parse from html, and parse to a String Object, then use angular.equals method, return me a false!!


it's that have any other effects if i rewrite like this?

While it might be somewhat unexpected, '...' and new String('...') are indeed different in JavaScript. The former is a string literal (it has a type of string) and the latter is a String object (it has a type of object).

It is debatable whether angular.equals() should treat them as equal or not, but given that AngularJS is in LTS mode this is not going to change. I don't see any problem in implementing it yourself if you like (as you showed above).