
Transition Rejection : while upgrading angularjs from 1.5 to 1.8

ajaiswal595 opened this issue · 1 comments

Transition Rejection($id: 0 type: 6, message: The transition errored, detail: TypeError: this.parent.parameters is not a function)


here we are using

url : "/mobile-login",
templateUrl : "assets/myorg/mobile/login/login.html",
controller: "loginController",
authenticate: false
url: "/mobile-main",
templateUrl: "assets/myorg/mobile/main/main.html",
controller: "MainController",
authenticate: true
url : "/login",
templateUrl : "assets/myorg/login/login.html",
controller: "loginController",
authenticate: false

            Can someone help me, what could be the issue?

It seems you are using a 3rd-party library (most probably ui-router). Since this is a 3rd-party project (not maintained by the AngularJS team), there is not much we can help with. You could try asking on their issue tracker.