AngularJs 1.7.0 Upgrade Issue.
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I am new to AngularJS. I am doing AngularJs Upgrade from version 1.2.9 to 1.8.2, while upgrading to 1.7.0 version getting below issue.
In profileController.js after app.controllerProvider.register code nothing happening (didn't get any error on console too).
Kindly help on this.
define(['app', 'App/Shared/Controllers/appRoleModalTemplateController', 'dataService'], function (app, dataService) {
app.controllerProvider.register('profileController', function ($scope, $rootScope, $modal, $window, $document, $location, dataService, $timeout) {
var participantId = app.context.getValue("CERT_ParticipantId");
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Finally, keep in mind that 1.2 to 1.8 is a big leap and there are many breaking changes in between. Make sure to check out the migration guide to find out what breaking changes there are in each version and how to cope with them.