Pinned issues
- 5
Add Angular Form Validator "patterNot" that validates that a specific pattern DOES NOT match
#59927 opened by endlacer - 2
- 1
statement in `@if` behind `as` not marked as error by compiler
#59939 opened by sod - 9
NG0912 warning for a single component
#59889 opened by charlesritchea - 1
- 3
Memory Leak in Reactive Forms When Navigating Away After Changing Field Values
#59903 opened by ikamel92 - 1
No NG8001 error occurring as soon as a directive is applied to an unknown element
#59920 opened by jnizet - 3
- 2
ViewContainerRef.createComponent incorrectly says the element is inserted into a container
#59918 opened by Ionaru - 5
Signal<ReadonlyArray<LocatorT>> emitted from viewChildren does not have correct order of elements
#59938 opened by pulak777 - 5
Change docs on timing of `toObservable` to be more precise
#59933 opened by maechler - 0
#59936 opened by whitechicklover - 0
#59935 opened by whitechicklover - 2
Allow async methods in effect()
#59932 opened by wertzui - 4
- 8
- 1
Can not build Angular libraries with multiple defer blocks
#59922 opened by nivekcode - 1
Linked Examples do not show code for CanDeactivateFn, CanMatchFn and CanActivateChildFn
#59905 opened by PhilippMDoerner - 0
Events are replayed on already destroyed components
#59841 opened by jsaguet - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
Expose signal version of `ActivatedRoute` and `Router` observable class properties
#59877 opened by joshdales - 1
- 0
Minimum repo example for Angular Template Driven forms (latest version per docs)
#59898 opened by slavgetov - 2
withComponentInputBinding stopped working in 19.1.4
#59881 opened by wertzui - 7
Angular 19 bug report: recursive component incorrect
#59849 opened by grazieux - 2
- 1
NG8001: 'search' is not a known element
#59913 opened by waterplea - 4
withEventReplay() script tag is missing CSP nonce
#59886 opened by stewieoO - 4
White Blank Screen on iPhone Devices – Angular 18 Portfolio Website
#59899 opened by muhammadawaisshaikh - 2
Support TS Project References
#59896 opened by HaasStefan - 1
Add Deno support
#59879 opened by rajinder-yadav - 2
Make @injectable optional for components that are already added to providers
#59892 opened by hannah23280 - 2
Inline functions for central logic without change detection overhead
#59891 opened by DerMagereStudent - 0
Prerender pages with query to SSR and Localize
#59890 opened by detobel36 - 0
- 1
- 0
retain accesibility modifier if it's already present for signal migrations
#59882 opened by fabianrios - 0
ERROR RuntimeError: NG0600: Writing to signals is not allowed in a `computed`.
#59864 opened by KibetMasiror - 1
Fail to dynamically import locale data
#59878 opened by vinzm90 - 1
inject(ChangeDetectorRef) into pipe change context if pipe value into component input
#59868 opened by nigrosimone - 1
Style Guide: Decorate input and output properties
#59859 opened by luaVolk - 0
Race condition in `resource()`
#59842 opened by alxhub - 1
Angular 19.1 > build error: (TypeError) Cannot read properties of undefined - disabling AOT works fine
#59855 opened by yeahitsjan - 0
Expose `ResourceStatus` as a union of string literal types
#59850 opened by Wooshaah - 1
Possible Inconsistency with viewChild Signal
#59847 opened by Doublon - 1
import { KeycloakService } from 'keycloak-angular' deprecated, link to github link in decription not found 404
#59840 opened by Kljovenzi - 1
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