
jasminewd breaks toThrow and toThrowError matchers

scriby opened this issue · 0 comments

I suspect that you never really intended for these matchers to be used in an UI test, and in that sense my case is probably somewhat unique.

I was wondering if it might be possible/reasonable to not make expect async unless a promise is passed to it, otherwise just let it behave like a normal jasmine expect. I think this would allow toThrow and toThrowError to work and not adversely affect other use cases.

(As a little more background info, I am using fibers to "block" execution of the test and don't need to use jasminewd, but because it's included automatically by protractor I don't think it can be avoided. I had a situation arise where using .toThrow(Error) would be a nice solution but noticed that it doesn't work with jasminewd.)