
Decorating Jasmine's it method

sebald opened this issue · 5 comments

When using global.<method> to decorate Jasmine's public API nothing is returned. Usually Jasmine returns the spec object, as you can see in its source code.

Using jasmine.getEnv().it('test blabla', () => {}) will correctly return the spec object, but decorating this will mess up Protractor as mentioned by @juliemr in angular/protractor#2823

I am not quite sure what's the issue here. I checked the source of jasminewd and found that wrapInControlFlow does not return something, but I thought decorating the would add my function before jasminewd decorates the tests.

For context: I want to add additional properties (SRS reference, custom identifier) to the spec object, so that I can create a report with information about SRS coverage etc.

Something like this:

// In the test suite
it('SRS_ID_1', 'should test something', () => {
// Decorator
var originalIt =; = function (ref, desc, fn) {
  var spec = originalIt(desc, fn);
  spec.result.ref = ref;
  return spec;
// Reporter

var results = [];


  specDone: (result) => { results.push(result) },
  jasmineDone () => {
    // Create report


I tried something. I do not thing that it's the correct way, but it works :-x

wrapInControlFlow returns the result of the globalFn which is the jasminewd wrapper for Jasmine's spec methods (it, fit, ...).

Using the code from my last comment I can now add additional properties to the spec.result and display/use it in reporter.

@sebald I think that that commit is actually doing the right thing. Jasminewd should wrap the functions before your code, so it needs to pass along the returned value. Can you make that into a PR?

Of course. I add a test for it tomorrow and make a PR.

Now that I've merged in an equivalent PR is this safe to close?

Tested it today. Works fine for me :)
