
build for production

Closed this issue · 3 comments

NogaB commented

Hi, it's more of a question than an isuue. I apologize if this is not the correct place. I want to upload to server the app I built based on your template. I use jspm bundle. Then i get errors about uaing undefuned builderHelper - the usage of i see in the transpiled bundled code.
Not sure how I should prepare the files for production or how to handle this specific problem. Thanks

nh-99 commented

Hi there.

Just did my first production install of my app based on this project.
The process was fairly straightforward. I ran

  • npm install -g jspm,
  • jspm bundle src/app from the root directory of the project.

At that point, I had a build.js file that contained all of my dependencies.

  • In the index.html, I added <script src="build.js"></script> right after this line.
  • installed nginx and copied the app directory over to my /var/www/html directory.

@NogaB was @nh-99 comment helpful?

please close if it's considered resolved.

NogaB commented

Yes, Thanks for your help @nh-99 .