
Add floating action button component

Closed this issue · 9 comments

this is an extension from the md-fab button, useful for displaying multiple actions in the same context.
Example here :
Specifications :

Your implementation looks really nice !

This is indeed currently missing in Angular Material, but I'd love to have it.
I didn't see any issue on this subject yet, not sure if there is one...

@carab This is not my implementation. I just found it on github. ;)

The floating action button already exists in md-button, although I agree it's pretty limited in regards to positioning and "speed dial" menus.

Side note: I sure wish demos like the one you posted were accessible.

So the "dial" menus won't be in Angular Material at all ?

I'm not sure why this is closed..

As you can see in the spec, there's an option for listed items in the floating button

@marcysutton - I think we missed this feature in the Floating Action Specifications. Perhaps we should reopen or make a new issue to work on this component ?

Nice work on that example demo @gynsolomon

I shouldn't have closed it so soon, my apologies.

@ThomasBurleson the "speed dialer" from Inbox is definitely a new component. It's pretty mobile-focused, but has a significant wow-factor that people will want to use (noted from this issue). Let's create a new issue with more spec'd detail. Similar to Bottom Sheets, which are supposed to be mobile-only, we should probably write some language in the docs about usage.

any news?

@ubugnu this is supported. You can find the docs here.