
Search Input with Autocomplete

Closed this issue · 6 comments

In addition to regular text inputs, Angular Material should include a search/filter option.

Auto-complete text field

Visual cues for search include:

- Search icon (magnifying glass) - Close Button - Results panel

Accessibility requirements:

- `role="listbox"` landmark on a wrapping element - **Input element:** - `aria-label` or `` indicating specific purpose - `input type="search"` for mobile keyboard - `aria-autocomplete="list"` indicating results are displayed below ([doc]( - `aria-activedescendant="_selectedResultsChildId_"` indicating selected child item - `aria-haspopup="true"` on input indicating there is a results panel - `aria-expanded="true | false"` indicating whether results are open or closed - `aria-owns="_resultsPanelId_"` establishing semantic relationship between input and results pane - **Results panel (unordered list):** - Unique id on results pane - `role="presentation"` - **Child list items** - `role="option"` - unique id - **Live region** - `role="status"` on additional, visually hidden element for appending results text - `aria-atomic="true"` to force AT to read entire region as it updates - `aria-live="polite"` to read changes at the next graceful opportunity

Functional requirements:

- Arrow keys should allow user to cycle through list options - Tab key should blur field - Escape key should clear field - Close button should be operable from the keyboard

Related information:

- Material Design spec: [Text fields]( - YUI autocomplete docs: [Pattern](, [API]( - [Accessible inline autocomplete example](

I'd love to have this!

I was looking for something similar! Any leads on this?

As @naomiblack mentioned in our Forum, the great folks at LumApps are working with the Angular Material Core team. If your needs are immediate, you can use the

Much of that functionality [and more] will be implemented within the Angular Material mdSearch component; which is planned for Milestone 0.8 release.

Very cool, i'm interesting to use it, if you need a help to doing some work of for example documentations let me now ....

Autocomplete is now in master

Is there any support for inline autocomplete alternatives included in the spec?

Great job btw