
Setup dynamic build options for prerendering

dimakuba opened this issue · 2 comments

🚀 Feature request

What modules are relevant for this feature request?

  • builders
  • common
  • express-engine


Currently it's not possible to setup dynamic build options while prerendering, like baseHref, outputPath etc.
I've tried to run prerendering with this command to setup dynamic baseHref, but it doesn’t work since the argument is not defined in prerender builder's schema: ng run <app-name>:prerender --base-href /test/

Describe the solution you'd like

Support dynamic build arguments: ng run <app-name>:prerender --browser-base-href /test/

Describe alternatives you've considered

As a workaround, I've created custom builder for prerendering which accepts dynamic build arguments

To change the base-href you need to set the option in the browser builder.

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