New unity plugin has been released:
UIWidget is a Unity Package which helps developers to create, debug and deploy efficient, cross-platform Apps. Details could be found at their github page
Just parse and render raw markdown strings
into UIWidgets elements.
- You must learn how to use UIWidgets first
- Import UIWidgets into your Unity project according to Requirements
- Then import this plugin into your Unity project
- Embed your markdown element into UIWidgets UI codes just like below:
protected override Widget createWidget() { return new MaterialApp( title: "Markdown Demo", showPerformanceOverlay: false, home: new Scaffold( body: new Markdown(null, markdownData1, syntaxHighlighter: new DartSyntaxHighlighter(SyntaxHighlighterStyle.lightThemeStyle()), onTapLink: url => { Application.OpenURL(url); }) ) ); }
- Adjust your code for better performance.
- Enjoy!
To use UIWidgets, Unity version must be larger than 2018.3
If the markdown string is too long, it would take much more time to parse and render, so
async operation
is needed and a Dispatcher script is provided to handle this situationbuildThread = new Thread(() => { try { Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (nodes == null) { nodes = document.parseLines(lines.ToList()); } if (widget.onParsed != null) { widget.onParsed(, nodes); } var elements =; // make the callback running on the unity main thread Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { updateState(elements); }); sw.Stop(); Debug.Log(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000f); } catch (ThreadAbortException e) { Debug.Log(e.Message); } });
Also could use in-app webview to handle URL click event to replace
for viewing web page in your unity application.