
model.run_prediction Failed with Error : input.size(-1) must be equal to input_size. Expected 100, got 50

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I have trained two model one with embeddings glove.6B.100d and other is glove.6B.50d . The training and prediction for 100d was successful. Then I tried with 50d embeddings , there training was successful but run prediction is failed. With bellow Error.

RuntimeError: input.size(-1) must be equal to input_size. Expected 100, got 50

I use before the training with glove.6B.50d , bust still the error persists . No Idea how to fix this Kindly help .

my code for training the model & prediction is here with complete Error details.

while training only embeddings variable is changed to glove.6B.50d from glove.6B.100d

I'm not able to reproduce this issue with the described setup. Is it possible for you to create a version of the notebook that I can run on Colab, perhaps with the sample data that's provided?