Pinned Repositories
This is the project to estimate the entry game among airlines in US (based on the paper of Berry, 1992). The applied methods are Maximum Likelihood Estimator + Simulations
All assignments of DATAcracy ATOM Open class, which is free and aims to democratize Data Skills for Everyone. The skills includes end-to-end of a simple and small scale data solutions.
By the data set from 'Give Me Some Credit' (2012), this work is to use it to illustrate some useful techniques in Credit Scoring Modelling, namely: GLM, SMOTE, CARET, CHAID, and MOB.
Contents of DATAcracy program: (i) Big-O: public data literacy & awareness; (ii) ATOM: free-open class of data
Estimate the frequency and severity of claims to compute prior and posterior premiums. The GLM method is used with Poisson, Negative Binomial, Gamma, and Log-Norm Distribution.
This is the R code for several common non-parametric methods (kernel est., mean regression, quantile regression, boostraps) with both practical applications on data and simulations
Replicate the results of nowcasting housing sales by Google Queries, using Bayesian Structural Time-Series Model (Choi & Varian, 2009, 2012).
Using Fixed Effect, Random Effect and Hausman Taylor IV to estimate the impacts on wage
Simulate and estimate volatility by GARCH with/without leverage, riskmetriks. Compute Value-at-Risk and Test on VaR Violation
Notebooks and code samples for analytics flipped-learning tutorials. This codified my enthusiasm for continuous learning, exploring, and refining my mindset, skillet, toolset as a data practitioner.
anhdanggit's Repositories
BLP-Python provides an implementation of random coefficient logit model of Berry, Levinsohn and Pakes (1995)
This is an application of Python to analyse the energy, technologies and GDP of Top 15 countries in Energy Engineering
Functions to summarize fatal accidents datasets in 2013-15 (30,000+ obs./year) and plot the locations on state maps. Data Source: US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Data
Instructional materials for econometrics short courses
Notes and exercise attempts for "An Introduction to Statistical Learning"