
"freeglut (c): ERROR: Internal error <FBConfig with necessary capabilities not found> in function fgOpenWindow" when running the demo.

medivhna opened this issue · 3 comments

> Prepare image ~/3dmm_cnn/demoCode/data/1.jpg:
    Number of faces detected: 1
> CNN Model loaded to regress 3D Shape and Texture!
** Caffe loading    : 1.468 s
** Image cropping   : 2.259 s
** 3D Modeling      : 1.975 s
> Pose & expression estimation
load ../3DMM_model/BaselFaceModel_mod.h5
freeglut (c):  ERROR:  Internal error <FBConfig with necessary capabilities not found> in function fgOpenWindow

I found the same issue on google, but cannot work. Is there a trouble shooting about it?

I get a solution of this issue.

I run the demo in a VNC Gnome GUI. Some functions of OpenGL is limited in this environment. Just run the demo in CLI environment can avoid this error.

It is great. I am glad that you found the solution.

@medivhna the says that the result should be shown in a window, how to see the content in that window in CLI environment?