
Date conversion for EQBank CSV

adrabitt opened this issue · 4 comments


My EQbank CSV files download with the date format of DD MMM YY where the month portion is not numerical. (eg DEC)

is there someway for the YNAB converter to recognize this and convert it to MM/DD/YYYY so that YNAB stops complaining?


I literally just opened an EQ bank account this week and found the same thing. I chose the format "DD/MMM/YYYY" on import where it asks you what the date format is, and it recognizes it then. Hope that helps.

Hi Jen, this is what I have been doing...however, I was just hoping that the YNAB converter could recognize this and convert automatically so we can avoid this step.


Hey @adrabitt CSV converter is intentionally not doing any date conversion because it's available in YNAB import. I'm maintaining the tool in a very minimal way while YNAB is adding more banks coverage in their automatic bank connections. I hope you'll get a proper EQbank connection in YNAB itself 🙌