
Animated.add gets this warnings: warning.js:36 Warning: There is an internal error in the React performance measurement code.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm not sure what could be causing it. Here's the full message:

warning.js:36 Warning: There is an internal error in the React performance measurement code. Did not expect componentDidUpdate timer to start while componentWillReceiveProps timer is still in progress for another instance.

printWarning    @   warning.js:36
warning @   warning.js:60
beginLifeCycleTimer @   ReactDebugTool.js:123
onBeginLifeCycleTimer   @   ReactDebugTool.js:234
invokeComponentDidUpdateWithTimer   @   ReactCompositeComponent.js:69
notifyAll   @   CallbackQueue.js:67
close   @   ReactReconcileTransaction.js:81
closeAll    @   Transaction.js:204
perform @   Transaction.js:146
perform @   Transaction.js:138
perform @   ReactUpdates.js:90
flushBatchedUpdates @   ReactUpdates.js:173
closeAll    @   Transaction.js:204
perform @   Transaction.js:151
batchedUpdates  @   ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.js:63
enqueueUpdate   @   ReactUpdates.js:201
enqueueUpdate   @   ReactUpdateQueue.js:25
enqueueSetState @   ReactUpdateQueue.js:210
ReactComponent.setState @   ReactComponent.js:64
(anonymous function)    @   Router.js:129
(anonymous function)    @   createTransitionManager.js:283
(anonymous function)    @   createTransitionManager.js:112
done    @   AsyncUtils.js:79
(anonymous function)    @   AsyncUtils.js:85
getComponentsForRoute   @   getComponents.js:15
(anonymous function)    @   getComponents.js:41
(anonymous function)    @   AsyncUtils.js:84
mapAsync    @   AsyncUtils.js:83
getComponents   @   getComponents.js:40
finishEnterHooks    @   createTransitionManager.js:106
runTransitionHooks  @   TransitionUtils.js:50
runEnterHooks   @   TransitionUtils.js:93
(anonymous function)    @   createTransitionManager.js:99
runTransitionHooks  @   TransitionUtils.js:50
runChangeHooks  @   TransitionUtils.js:110
finishMatch @   createTransitionManager.js:96
(anonymous function)    @   createTransitionManager.js:72
next    @   AsyncUtils.js:46
loopAsync   @   AsyncUtils.js:56
matchRoutes @   matchRoutes.js:241
match   @   createTransitionManager.js:68
(anonymous function)    @   createTransitionManager.js:277
(anonymous function)    @   sync.js:124
dispatch    @   createStore.js:186
dispatch    @   VM176264:1
(anonymous function)    @   createMiddleware.js:86
(anonymous function)    @   index.js:14
dispatchLoad    @   createLoader.js:12
(anonymous function)    @   createLoader.js:15

I've reverted to do using multiple Animated values for now, but I thought I'd mention this. I'm not sure if it's specific to other things going on in my setup, but simply adding any number breaks it for me:

Animated.add(this.scrollY, 1);

UPDATE: I upgraded to react 15.3.2 as per this React issue:


However, as is described in that thread, you likely still have something wrong with your code, and the bug is somehow silenced. I know because redux storage fails to load, which is something I've experienced in the past as well. It happens when--and here's the best I can describe it--another error occurs in your system, but it's somehow silenced. It seems to have to do with promises.