
Addition of style on `createAnimateElement` arg breaks our propTypes validation

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi there!

I just started seeing test failures as a result of

which was added in v0.2.2.

Basically, our tests validate prop types (which we always forbid extraneous prop types) and we sometimes pass actual components to Animated.createAnimatedComponents (which have their own prop types definitions). So when style started getting applied to the arg passed in... our tests failed.

Is there any way to maybe export a prop type that can be used for these components or any sort of guidance on this behavior (because we're passing in a component, I don't think the style attribute will even work as expected). Should we not be passing in a component?


FYI @ljharb @backwardok

Figured I'd break something for someone. The issue was that transform properties were not being applied on initial mount, so switched to needing to process style.transform on re-render.

The PropType for it should just be an object that isn't required, and or undefined if no style prop is passed in. However this has a dual target (one for web/one for native) so it could be an object, number, array or undefined.

Does your system look for the presence of a prop even in 3rd party libraries like this one? Since it would only end up passing down undefined which shouldn't even register as a prop being passed?

undefined always registers as the prop being passed, and it’s up to the validator to ignore it. It’s property presence that triggers the validation.

The purpose of is to avoid bugs; and unintentionally passing undefined on an invalid prop name is a common bug, especially with third party libs. Loosening the exact checker for undefined wouldn’t help us.

Note that on html elements, React will log a runtime error if you pass some attributes as undefined rather than omitting them. Would it be possible to omit the prop entirely when it’s not needed?

(actually linking to #93)