Leetcode SQL Top 50 Questions - Solved

This repository contains my solutions to the Leetcode SQL Top 50 questions. I've covered a wide range of SQL topics, including:

  • Select: Basic SELECT queries to retrieve data from a single table.
  • Joins: Using JOIN operations to combine data from multiple tables.
  • Aggregate Functions: Utilizing functions like COUNT, SUM, AVG, etc., to perform calculations on groups of rows.
  • Sorting and Grouping: Ordering and grouping data using ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses.
  • Advanced Select and Joins: More complex SELECT queries and JOIN operations.
  • Subqueries: Using subqueries to nest SELECT statements within other SQL statements.
  • Advanced String Functions / Regex / Clause: Utilizing advanced string functions, regular expressions, and other clauses in SQL queries.

Feel free to explore the solutions and explanations provided in this repository to enhance your understanding of SQL.