
Authentication token manipulation error when trying to set password for new user

DimosthenisK opened this issue · 1 comments

This is the error I'm getting:

I am trying to run the script inside WSL. The image is generated as expected (but obviously I can't login because the password wasn't being set) when I run with

RUN << EOF &> /dev/null
bash -c "echo ${user}:${password} | chpasswd"

because the error output is ignored, but when I remove that, I can see the error.

I also see exactly the same error when trying to run with remotely with github actions.

Also, not sure if that's related, but I had to switch the path in core.Pifile because $dir returned the directory of the modules instead of the root directory of the project, leading to the .env file to not be acknowledged.

dir="$(dirname $root_pifile)/.." # <- This is what changed
if [ -f "$dir/.env" ]; then
    # Set up environment configured in our env file
    set -o allexport
    . $dir/.env
    set +o allexport

if [ -f "$dir/secrets.env" ]; then
    # Set up environment configured in our env file
    set -o allexport
    . $dir/secrets.env
    set +o allexport

Any ideas? I can't seem to fix the issue on my own, as I can't pinpoint if it's an issue with pimod, with pi-bootstrap, with the base image I'm using or something else entirely. This happens both with the pi-bootstrap provided base image (FROM and with the latest one (FROM It also happens both in my project and in this one

@DimosthenisK Sorry I missed this! Were you able to resolve the issue? It'd help if you shared what the problem was as others might run into it too!