A repository documenting my solutions for select Leetcode problems that I have solved in either Python or C++ over time.
This README file is to be updated as and when I complete another Leetcode problem. I plan to start with Python and follow up later with C++.
Python code is placed in folder named /python
Challenges completed so far (in the order in which I approach them) include:
- #1678: Goal Parser Interpretation
- #1436: Destination City
- #1365: How Many Numbers Are Smaller than Current Number
- #704: Binary Search
- #4: Median of Two Sorted Arrays
- #520: Detect Capital
- #3: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- #12: Integer to Roman
- #13: Roman to Integer
- #17: Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
- #5: Longest Palindromic Substring