
java.lang.SecurityException: uid 10159 does not have android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, i have this error ocurring:

java.lang.SecurityException: uid 10159 does not have android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

I allready added this to the androidManifest in the same place where you ask por internet permissions.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>

I also allready did flutter clean, several times, and still have the same issue.
I have Flutter sdk 1.20.4

I add a partial loging:
I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /data/local/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /data/local/bin/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /data/local/xbin/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /sbin/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /su/bin/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /system/bin/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /system/bin/.ext/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /system/bin/failsafe/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /system/sd/xbin/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /system/usr/we-need-root/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /system/xbin/su Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /cachesu Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /datasu Absent :( I/RootBeer(24900): LOOKING FOR BINARY: /devsu Absent :( E/MethodChannel#trust_fall(24900): Failed to handle method call E/MethodChannel#trust_fall(24900): java.lang.SecurityException: uid 10160 does not have android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.

Please Help, thnx !

Same issue, Please @anish-adm fix this issue. Thanks..