
Python 🐍 Domain on HackerRank 💻 - Problems & Solutions

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HackerRank Python 🐍 Domain Solutions

problems-solved cp

HackerRank is an online platform that offers programmers the ability to test their sills, practice and learn something new. The problem sets on HackerRank are divided in Domains & Tutorials, and the following are the domains & tutorials on HackerRank:


This repository contains solutions to the Python domain part of HackerRank. My HackerRank profile can be viewed here.

I have also solved other domains on HackerRank that can be viewed at:

Domain Solutions Repository Link
Algorithms Solutions Repository
Data Structures Solutions Repository
Java Solutions Repository
Interview Preparation Kit Solutions Repository

The Python Domain is further Divided into the following sub-domains.

Sub Domains & Problems (+Solutions) in the Python Domain

Quick Links ⚡ : Introduction | Basic Data Types | Strings | Sets | Math | Itertools | Collections | Data and Time | Errors and Exceptions | Classes | Built-Ins | Python Functionals | Regex and Parsing | XML | Closures and Decorators | NumPy | Debugging |

Introduction 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Say "Hello World" With Python Easy Solution
Python If-Else Easy Solution
Arithmetic Operators Easy Solution
Python Division Easy Solution
Loops Easy Solution
Write a Function Medium Solution
Print Function Easy Solution

Basic Data Types 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
List Comprehensions Easy Solution
Find the Runner-Up Score Easy Solution
Nested Lists Easy Solution
Finding The Percentage Easy Solution
Lists Easy Solution
Tuples Easy Solution

Strings 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
sWAP cASE Easy Solution
String Split and Join Easy Solution
What's Your Name Easy Solution
Mutations Easy Solution
Find a String Easy Solution
String Validators Easy Solution
Text Alignment Easy Solution
Text Wrap Easy Solution
Designer Door Mat Easy Solution
String Formatting Easy Solution
Alphabet Rangoli Easy Solution
Capatalize! Easy Solution
The Minion Game Medium Solution
Merge The Tools Medium Solution

Sets 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Introduction to Sets Easy Solution
No Idea! Medium Solution
Symmetric Difference Easy Solution
Set .add() Easy Solution
Set .discard() .remove() & .pop() Easy Solution
Set .union() Operation Easy Solution
Set .intersection() Operation Easy Solution
Set .difference() Operation Easy Solution
Set .symmetric_difference() Operation Easy Solution
Set Mutations Easy Solution
Tha Captain's Room Easy Solution
Check Subset Easy Solution
Check Strict Superset Easy Solution

Math 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Polar Coordinates Easy Solution
Find Angle MBC Medium Solution
Triangle Quest 2 Medium Solution
Mod Divmod Easy Solution
Power - Mod Power Easy Solution
Integers Come in all sizes Easy Solution
Triangle Quest Easy Solution

Itertools 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
itertools.product() Easy Solution
itertools.permutations() Easy Solution
itertools.combinations() Easy Solution
itertools.combinations_with_replacement() Easy Solution
Compress the String! Medium Solution
Iterables & Iterators Medium Solution
Maximize It! Hard Solution

Collections 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
collections.Counter() Easy Solution
DefaultDict Tutorial Easy Solution
Collections.namedTuple() Easy Solution
Collections.orderedDict() Easy Solution
Word Order Medium Solution
Collections.dequeue() Easy Solution
Company Logo Medium Solution
Piling Up! Medium Solution

Date and Time 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Calender Module Easy Solution
Time Delta Medium Solution

Errors and Exceptions 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Exceptions Easy Solution
Incorrect Regex Easy Solution

Classes 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Class 2 - Find the Torsional Angle Easy Solution
Classes: Dealing with Complex Numbers Medium Solution

Built Ins 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Zipped! Easy Solution
Input() Easy Solution
Python Evaluation Easy Solution
Athlete Sort Medium Solution
Any or All Easy Solution
ginortS Medium Solution

Python Functionals 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Map and Lambda Function Easy Solution
Validating Email Address with Filter Medium Solution
Reduce Function Medium Solution

Regex and Parsing 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Detect Floating Point Number Easy Solution
Re.split() Easy Solution
Group(), Groups() and Groupdict() Easy Solution
Re.findall() & Re.finditer() Easy Solution
Re.start() and Re.end() Easy Solution
Regex Substitution Medium Solution
Validating Roman Numerals Easy Solution
Validating Phone Numbers Easy Solution
Validating and Parsing Email Addresses Easy Solution
Hex Color Code Easy Solution
HTML Parser - Part 1 Easy Solution
HTML Parser - Part 2 Easy Solution
Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values Easy Solution
Validating UID Easy Solution
Validating Credit Card Numbers Medium Solution
Validating Postal Codes Easy Solution
Matrix Script Hard Solution


Problem Difficulty Solution Link
XML 1 - Find the Score Easy Solution
XML 2 - Find the Maximum Depth Easy Solution

Closures and Decorators 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Standardize Mobile Numbers Using Decorators Easy Solution
Decorators 2 - Name Directory Easy Solution

Numpy 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Arrays Easy Solution
Shape and Reshape Easy Solution
Transpose and Flatten Easy Solution
Concatenate Easy Solution
Zeroes and Ones Easy Solution
Eye and Identity Easy Solution
Array Mathematics Easy Solution
Floor, Ciel and Rint Easy Solution
Sum and Prod Easy Solution
Min and Max Easy Solution
Mean, var and Std Easy Solution
Dot and Cross Easy Solution
Inner and Outer Easy Solution
Polynomials Easy Solution
Linear Algebra Easy Solution

Debugging 👆

Problem Difficulty Solution Link
Word Score Medium Solution
Default Arguments Medium Solution