Not Showing Bio-Metric Dialog on Android P devices
parthdesai1208 opened this issue · 9 comments
Dialog appeared on Devices which having below Android P version. but not appeared on P devices.
Do you encounter this issue on an emulator or physical device? I cannot reproduce this issue. Please check the BiometricCallback methods to see the actual error
@Sammekl I faced this issue on my one plus (6T) device. A biometric dialog did not appear.
@Sammekl I faced this issue on my one plus (6T) device. A biometric dialog did not appear.
That's weird, I'm using a OnePlus 5T myself on Android Pie, no issues whatsoever. Nothing to see in the logs? Did you debug to see if all the code is called in order to show the dialog?
Edit: Probably related to inscreen fingerprint?
@Sammekl here I attach a screenshot of the app. as you can see dialog is missing but rest of the things working perfectly.
Hi @Sammekl , currently i faced the same issue on OnePlus 6T (Pie), its doesn't show Biometric Dialog (title, subtitle, description, and cancelation button) instead its just show an Image.
However on other devices(Samsung Galaxy S8) with Android Pie, its show the Biometric Dialog.
Its is possible to show Dialog V23 and Biometric (Default of OnePlus 6T) at the same time ?
I looked up to OVO application its show biometric Oneplus 6T and Dialog V23 at the same time
You are right, this is probably an issue at OnePlus's end. I've encountered the same issue on my new OnePlus 7 Pro. It does work on the Samsung S10 with inscreen-fingerprint.
It's not just this library which has issues, it's a bug when using BiometricPrompt on OnePlus. I've already reported this issue to OnePlus last week
I did a test using the default Android BiometricPrompt implementation and can confirm that this is not a library issue. The same issue occurs with the following code:
BiometricPrompt biometricPrompt = new BiometricPrompt.Builder(getApplicationContext())
.setNegativeButton("Text", this.getMainExecutor(), (dialog, which) -> {
biometricPrompt.authenticate(new CancellationSignal(), this.getMainExecutor(), new
BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback() {
public void onAuthenticationError(int errorCode, CharSequence errString) {
super.onAuthenticationError(errorCode, errString);
public void onAuthenticationHelp(int helpCode, CharSequence helpString) {
super.onAuthenticationHelp(helpCode, helpString);
public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult result) {
public void onAuthenticationFailed() {
Then close the issue?
I am not a contributor to this repo so I can't.