"Incompatible ocpd settings with input ocpd object"
multimeric opened this issue · 0 comments
multimeric commented
I have encountered this issue many times. Here is a simple example, using a workaround for #1:
#> Loading required package: ocp
dims = 8
cpd = initOCPD(
init_params=replicate(dims, list(m = 0, k = 0.01, a = 0.01, b =1e-04), simplify=F),
initProb = replicate(dims, ocp:::gaussian_init, simplify=F)
onlineCPD(datapts=rep(1, dims), cpd)
#> [1] "Incompatible ocpd settings with input ocpd object."
#> Error in if (as.character(ocpd_settings[[set_id]]) != as.character(oCPD$ocpd_settings[[set_id]])) {: argument is of length zero
Created on 2021-02-19 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)