
getSubscriptionListingDetailsAsync not loading subscription SKU details

fahadzafar opened this issue · 1 comments

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?
Reporting a bug

What is the current behavior?
After checking that
isAvailable && isConnected && isSubsUpdateSupported is true

bp.getSubscriptionListingDetailsAsync( productId, ... )

return a 0 sized List<SkuDetails>
Note: The product_id exists in the play console subscription.

Don't forget to mention:

  • which version of library you use
    implementation ''

  • was it working in previous versions?
    First time using this so don't know about previous versions

  • do you use fragments or not
    No this is an activity.

  • how do you instanciate BillingProcessor (singleton or not)
    bp = new BillingProcessor(this, GLOBALS.LICENSE_KEY, this);
    but doesnt matter since before doing anything i check,

boolean isAvailable = bp.isIabServiceAvailable(context);
boolean isConnected = bp.isConnected();
boolean isSubsUpdateSupported = bp.isSubscriptionUpdateSupported();
 if (isAvailable && isConnected && isSubsUpdateSupported) {
  • which device/OS version do you use for testing (or its an emulator)

Android 12

  • have you uploaded it to Google Play or not (if yes, when which channel: Prod/Beta/Alpha)
    Alpha , closed testing

  • do you test with real products, or with a testing onces (e.g. android.test.purchased)
    Real product, created in subscriptions

The more details you provide - the faster you'll get an answer from community
LogCat states that
GooglePlayConnection; *** D IsConnected

Extras , the subscription productId is : plan_bronze
and I am using,
bp.getSubscriptionListingDetailsAsync("plan_bronze", paymentHandler);

Before the application was published, I also returned an empty list. Is this related to the release status of the application?
and have you solved this ?