
Blind index with key stored at KMS issue

brovikov opened this issue · 1 comments

Please help!
First of all great thanks for all your opensource works! You're doing a great stuff!
I have a problem with adding blind index with key stored at KMS with awesome gem kms_encrypted:


class User < ApplicationRecord
        has_kms_key name: :blind_index_email, key_id: ENV['EMAIL_BLIND_INDEX_KEY']
        blind_index :email, key: :kms_key_blind_index_email


For User.kms_keys I have response:

    => {:kms_key_blind_index_email=>{:key_id=>"insecure-test-key", :name=>:blind_index_email, 
          :version=>1, :previous_versions=>nil, :upgrade_context=>false}

But got following error:

        Key must use binary encoding

Hey @brovikov, you won't be able to use has_kms_key for the blind index key, since blind index needs the same key for every row. You can still store that key in KMS, but need to:

  1. Generate a blind index key
  2. Encrypt that key with KMS
  3. Store the encrypted value with the rest of your secrets
  4. Update your model to use key (pseudocode below)
class User < ApplicationRecord
  blind_index :email, key: -> { @@email_blind_index_key ||= decrypt(encrypted_value) }