I can't use library param with pie charts
marcosvolpiok opened this issue · 4 comments
I have already checked out this issue: #268, and all the other tickets that talk about the 'library' param. As well I look for a similar issue on StackOverflow
When I use a pie chart, it ignores the 'library' param.
If I use a column chart it works well.
For example:
<%= column_chart @zip_codes, adapter: "chartjs", library: { legend: {display: false} } %>
It doesn't hide the legend. I tried with other options (eg: background) and it ignores them.
I'm using Chartkick v4.1.1 with and chartjs adapter, Ruby on Rails 5.2.6.
Hey @marcosvolpiok, check the Chart.js docs how to configure the legend (and please use Stack Overflow for additional help).
Hey @marcosvolpiok, check the Chart.js docs how to configure the legend (and please use Stack Overflow for additional help).
I know that I can set the legend visibility without the 'library' param. I used the 'display' value to show an example. Actually, I want to use more advanced customization and I need to do it with the library option.
Hey @marcosvolpiok did you find a solution?
Hey @marcosvolpiok did you find a solution?
Hi. I used the JS API of Chartkick