
Inquiry About Merging the TensorRT Branch

mjason opened this issue · 1 comments

mjason commented

I see there is a branch: tensor-rt that added TensorRT support, but it hasn't been merged. May I ask if there are any issues encountered? And is there an ETA for when it may be merged? Thank you.

ankane commented

Hi @mjason, I spent some time on it this weekend, but wasn't able to get it working with all the tests. Was running into the following error (both with and without a custom logger).

OnnxRuntime::Error: /onnxruntime_src/include/onnxruntime/core/common/logging/logging.h:294 static const onnxruntime::logging::Logger& onnxruntime::logging::LoggingManager::DefaultLogger() Attempt to use DefaultLogger but none has been registered.

Happy to review a PR if someone is able to figure it out.