
pgsync syncs wrong data.

prithvihv opened this issue · 2 comments

I will try to make a full reproducable test case when i find time, but here's the issue im facing in my current infrastructure

Initially db1 and db2 have the same data, restored using pg_dump, pg_restore
here's the output log:

psql "db1"
psql (13.9, server 13.2 (Ubuntu 13.2-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.

db1=> select id, "authKey" from publishers where "authKey" != id::varchar limit 1;
  id  |  authKey
 2389 | VJauqUSa2
(1 row)

db1=> \q

psql "db2"
psql (13.9, server 13.2 (Ubuntu 13.2-1.pgdg18.04+1))
Type "help" for help.

db2=> select id, "authKey" from publishers where "authKey" != id::varchar limit 1;
  id  |  authKey
 2389 | VJauqUSa2
(1 row)

db2=> \q

then we have a job:

pgsync  -jobs 1 --config  ./crons/pgsync.yml  publisher_data

where ./crons/pgsync.yml is:

# source database URL
# database URLs take the format of:
#   postgres://user:password@host:port/dbname
# we recommend a command which outputs a database URL
# so sensitive information is not included in this file
# we *highly recommend* you use sslmode=verify-full when possible
# see for more info
from: db1

# destination database URL
to: db2
to_safe: true

# exclude tables
# exclude:
#   - table1
#   - table2

# define groups
    - parentOrganizations
    - publishers
# sync specific schemas
# schemas:
#   - public

after running command:

^^>>> psql "db2"
psql (13.9, server 13.7 (Debian 13.7-1.pgdg110+1))
Type "help" for help.

db2=# select id, "authKey" from publishers where "authKey" != id::varchar limit 1;
 id | authKey
(0 rows)

looks like for somereason pgsync decided to write id's value into authKey.

Happy to help with other details in my environment.

Using pgsync 0.7.2 on nixos

Hi @prithvihv, I'm not really sure how to reproduce. Please use the script in the new issue template when you have a chance.