
Throw on invalid .pgsync.yml

Garrett-R opened this issue · 2 comments

It would be nice if pgsync threw when .pgsync.yml was invalid. While QAing on temporary DBs, an LLM just hallucinated that tables was a config option (made feature request in #210 BTW).

pgsync happily ran despite an unrecognized config. Indeed you can add this to your config:

  - bar

and it'll still run. I think it's more conventional and safer for tools not to run if there's hogwash in the config.

Hi @Garrett-R, thanks for the suggestion. However, this would affect YAML aliases.

Ah good to know!

It does seem though that, at least in theory, this package should be able to consume one of its config files and answer the question "is this a valid config file?" even while supporting YAML aliases. No idea how challenging that would be though.