
Destroying the session?

jondavidjohn opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there a reason this gem destroys the user's session when stopping the impersonation?


Seems like you should be able to stop the impersonation (of another user), and just revert back to the true user?

Hey @jondavidjohn, only the impersonated_#{scope}_id key is deleted, not the user session.

Interesting, I'm running into a situation where it actually logs me out fully. I'll do a little debugging to see if I can pinpoint why.

Hey @jondavidjohn, happy new year! I ran into the same issue. Does your before_action :require_admin! perform the logout? For me it had to be before_action :require_admin!, except: [:stop_impersonating] since I was checking in the before_action if the current_user is an admin and if not, log the user out.

Thanks for sharing @akimthedream. Closing this out since it doesn't appear to be an issue with Pretender.