
Rollup on an associatated model column

Closed this issue · 3 comments

cimm commented

Is it possible to use a column from an associated model as the rollup column?

Take a User model belonging to an Account model and I want to count the users by account creation time as an example. I tried the following two but Rollup does not seem to understand.

User.includes(:account).rollup(:users_per_month, column: 'accounts.created_at', interval: :month)
User.includes(:account).rollup(:users_per_month, column: {account: :created_at}, interval: :month)

Thank you!

Hey @cimm, it should work with joins instead of includes:

User.joins(:account).rollup(:users_per_month, column: 'accounts.created_at', interval: :month)
cimm commented

Indeed, that does work! I tried with joins but had another typo I missed. Sorry!

Thank you for the great gem (and your "Securing Sensitive Data in Rails" article, which I really enjoyed).

No worries, added a test for it in 66632b7. And thanks!