
Feature Request: Gracefully Handle Non-Existent Columns in DataFrame [] Method

mezbahalam opened this issue · 1 comments

When attempting to access a non-existent column in a Polars::DataFrame using the [] method, the library currently throws a RuntimeError. This behavior can disrupt application flow and requires users to implement additional error handling to manage such cases. It would be beneficial if the [] method could handle this scenario more gracefully, perhaps by returning nil or providing a more informative error message, thereby allowing the application to continue running smoothly.

Current Behavior:
Accessing a non-existent column results in a runtime error. Here's an example of the error output when trying to access a column called "missing_column" in a DataFrame:

df ={"foo" => [1, 2, 3], "bar" => [6, 7, 8]})
# Output: RuntimeError: not found: missing_column

Suggested Improvement:
Modify the behavior of the [] method so that it returns nil or logs a warning when a non-existent column is accessed. This change would prevent the method from raising a runtime exception and improve the robustness of applications using this library.

Improved resilience: applications will be more robust by gracefully handling missing data without crashing.
Better user experience: users will face fewer interruptions due to unhandled exceptions, especially in scenarios involving dynamic data access.
Simplified error handling: reduces the need for extensive error handling around column access, making code cleaner and easier to maintain.

Use Case:
This feature would be particularly useful in data analysis scenarios where scripts dynamically access columns from datasets that may vary in structure, enabling smoother operation and easier debugging.

If an application needs dynamic data access, its very easy to implement such an Error-Handling.
If – on the other hand – an application builds on restrict data structures, one has to actively implement error-detection mechanisms. That would be unfortunate.