
How to make cozmo automatically detect cube and move forward

thunderslack91 opened this issue · 1 comments

All the code managed to work except the last line of the code. My code is unable to make the cozmo go towards the cube.

 if (intentName=="findcube")
                      // pythonCode += tabs + "\trobot.play_anim_trigger(cozmo.anim.Triggers.MajorWin)\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\tcube1 =\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\tcube2 =\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\tcube3 =\n\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\tcube1.set_lights(cozmo.lights.green_light)\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\ttime.sleep(3)\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\tcube2.set_lights(cozmo.lights.green_light)\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\tcube3.set_lights(cozmo.lights.green_light)\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\ttime.sleep(3)\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\trobot.start_behavior(cozmo.behavior.BehaviorTypes.LookAroundInPlace)\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\ = 30)\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\trobot.start_behavior(cozmo.behavior.BehaviorTypes.LookAroundInPlace).Stop()\n";
                       pythonCode += tabs + "\trobot.go_to_object(cube, distance_mm(70.0)).wait_for_completed()\n";

Hi @thunderslack91! Our forums ( are a better place to ask these sorts of questions to get community feedback as well as access to Anki developers. github issues should be instead specific bugs with or possible improvements to the Anki Cozmo SDK Python code itself.