
Remove or Adjust the Floating Social Media Toggle Bar on Ticket Booking Page

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The floating social media toggle bar (containing Meta, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn icons) is creating a disruptive user experience on the ticket booking page. The icons are already present at the bottom of the page, so this additional floating bar is unnecessary and detracts from the main purpose of the site: booking tickets. Users may find the floating bar distracting and irritating, especially as it overlaps with the core interface elements of the page.


Proposed Solution:

  1. Remove the floating social media bar to keep the focus on the ticket booking functionality.
  2. If necessary, ensure social media links are only available at the bottom of the page, in a static and unobtrusive position.

This solution will help improve the user experience by focusing attention on the main ticket booking tasks instead of unnecessary distractions.

assigned this to me i can do this immediately add labels gssoc-ext and hactkberfest