
No div elements of class instanthangouts found

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi Ankit, I have included your nice gem to my Rails project. The project is build on Rails 4.2.5, I have included the helper on my show page. But the google hangout button won't load initially; this message would then appear on the console "No div elements of class instanthangouts found" it was logged from google-instant-hangouts.js file, line 243-246. I have tried to wrap the anonymous function in the google-instant-hangouts.js file in a document ready page:change and page:load but it is still not working. and I have also tried turning off turbolinks in that view. Please help me out with this, I really like your gem and I would like to use it for my final project here at Bitmaker coding bootcamp. Many Thanks.

Philip Chan

issue resolved by turning off turbo-links on Rails helper link_to