
Out of 16K only first 3 records migrated.

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I migrated only 2 tables users (16K records) and gender (3 records) but I got only 3 values in users collection and none in gender.
What am I doing wrong?

Translation is as follows :

table "users" do
column "ID", :key, :as => :integer
column "PRIORITY", :integer
column "FIRST_NAME", :string
column "LAST_NAME", :string
column "USER_NAME", :string
column "GENDER_ID", :integer, :references => "gender"
column "DOB", :date
column "USER_EMAIL", :string
column "USER_ALTERNATE_EMAIL", :string
column "PASSWORD", :string
column "CREATED_ON", :datetime
column "UPDATED_ON", :datetime
column "VERIFIED", :integer
column "UPLOADED_BY", :string

table "gender" do
column "ID", :key, :as => :integer
column "GENDER", :string
column "CREATED_ON", :datetime
column "CREATED_BY", :integer
column "UPDATED_ON", :datetime
column "UPDATED_BY", :integer

@pimplesushant I think documentation says to write table name with ( : ) as prefix without any quote

column "GENDER_ID", :integer, :references => :gender

@kunalmestri9 This is all translated by Mongify. I didn't do any change in it. Let me try applying your solution.

UPDATE : This doesn't make any change in the result.

anlek commented

@pimplesushant Where you able to figure out this issue?