
Links in translations

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Use case:

You create an error overlay in case something unexpected happens, the server is down or something.
Adding a contact url for a single error and a single language is pretty easy, you just write the HTML in Elm.

errorMessage : Html msg
errorMessage = div [ ] [ text "Oh no! Please contact me ", a [ href "..." ] [ text "here" ], text "." ] 

But when you have different error messages with multiple languages, right now with this package, you can only something like this:

errorMessage : I18n -> Html msg
errorMessage i18n = div [ ] [ text <| Translations.errorMsgBeforeLink i18n, a [ href "..." ] [ text <| Translations.errorMsgLinkText ], text <| Translations.errorMsgAfterLink ] 

which is pretty ugly and not very readable when reading the i18n files (Translations.errorMsgAfterLink would be "." in this scenario).
It also gets a LOT worse if some language do not have the link or have a different link. You could theoretically solve this with the current functionality but I would not want to read that code.


Instead, What this package could do, is parse the given translations (which it does anyways to resolve placeholders)
and convert HTML tags like to HTML generating functions.

The following translation:

Oh no! Please contact me <a href="">here</a>.

would be converted to a function

someTranslation : I18n -> List (Html msg)
someTranslation i18n = [ text "Oh no! Please contact me ", a [ href "" ] [ text "here" ], text "." ]

As a consequence, corresponding messages in other languages would have the same type even if they do not contain any HTML tags (they would then produce a one-element List (Html msg)).

I have made a lot of progress on this topic, while rewriting my test suite and fixing a couple of bugs that I caught.
I will soon release V3 of travelm-agency, which will contain this feature and also a complete interactive documentation website written with travelm-agency itself! 🤯

Released version 3.0.0 where this feature is included 🚀