Let's Practice Recursion

This repo is still in development, but it's ready to be used in its current state to help you practice your recursion skills!

How to Use This Repo

From your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/therobinkim/lets-practice-recursion.git
cd lets-practice-recursion

Open up your favorite text editor from that directory.

Open up treebar.md to look at the setup and prompts. Run your code as you see fit, whether it's as a Google Chrome Snippet, via node, or REPLs like https://jsfiddle.net/.

Future Development:

[x] Publish a set of prompts [ ] Create more prompts: [ ] Treebar: every(), where every(one, v => typeof v === 'number') is true [ ] Create a testing suite [ ] Create solutions [ ] Identify and explain common misconceptions about recursion [ ] "I can't use any loops" [ ] Mention that anything that can be done iteratively can be done recursively and vice versa [ ] Add "how to solve prompts recursively"