Sum of dedicated time of a tracker type in the project
mavag opened this issue · 5 comments
mavag commented
Hello, on ticket # 64 I have seen how to add all the dedicated hours of project tickets, but this is for all types of tickets:
time_entries.sum (: hours) .round (2)
Is there a way to do it with only one type of ticket?
Many thanks for the help
annikoff commented
Hi. What is a type of ticket?
mavag commented
annikoff commented
time_entries.includes(:issue).where(issues: { tracker_id: YOUR_TRACKER_ID }).sum(:hours).round(2)
mavag commented
Ouuuuuyeaaaa!! Thanks!!!
mavag commented
Extensive information for the result to be in time format:
hours = time_entries.includes(:issue).where(issues:{YOUR_TRACKER_ID}).sum(:hours).round(2)
hours_part = hours.truncate
minutes = ((hours - hours_part) * 60).round
result = hours_part.to_s + ":" + minutes.to_s