Include other libraries
Odko opened this issue · 3 comments
Odko commented
Is it possible to include libraries in formula like require 'business_time'
I'd like to include business_time and holiday gems and use them to calculate business days between dates.
Thank you
annikoff commented
Add gems to your Gemfile
and run bundle install
gem 'business_time'
gem 'holiday'
Odko commented
Thanks for quick reply.
Installed, but how can i use that ?
Tried :
require 'business_time'
The error says:
Formula cannot load such file -- business_time
- and also tried without
require 'business_time'
The error says:
Formula undefined method 'business_hour' for 1:Fixnum
annikoff commented
I think it is more about redmine itself, try to find the answer in an official forum.