
Can you bundle this to an alfred workflow?

muuvmuuv opened this issue · 4 comments

I don't want to install workflows with package managers because I use NVM and don't want them in every version. WOuld it be possible to bundle it?

anoff commented

bundle it how? I haven't used Alfred workflows outside of npm, sorry for the stupid question.

I don't know either 😄 Just saw that some packages do have a release with a package ending with .alfredworkflow.

Here an example repo:

anoff commented

Did some research and I think that bundling is not possible at the moment. I am relying on sindresorhus alfy package that allows writing the workflows using Node.js. Looking at the comment in alfred-npm-search it seems like node needs to be present on the client to run these kinds of workflows.

I also stumbled across another GitHub workflow alfred-github-search by the same guy as the above workflow. It has a download link to a workflow - but sadly no docs how this workflow was created.
Even though I would love to bundle the workflow - if I knew how - maybe the the alternative also works for you? :)

The problem is that when your package relies on other NPM packages they would need to be bundled as well. The alfred-github-search has no dependencies so I think he just zipped it and renamed it? We could ask him. I have also asked Sindre himself on one package. Where he gave a better explanation:

sindresorhus/alfred-npms#28 (comment)